Пакет 389-dsgw: Specfile

Summary:  389 Directory Server Gateway (dsgw)

Name: 389-dsgw
Version: 1.1.4
Release: alt2
License: GPLv2
Packager: Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru>
Url: http://port389.org
Group: System/Servers

BuildRequires: 389-adminutil-devel gcc-c++ libicu-devel libsasl2-devel libicu-devel

BuildRequires: perl-Mozilla-LDAP perl-CGI

Provides: fedora-ds-dsgw = %version-%release
Obsoletes: fedora-ds-dsgw < %version-%release

Source0: %name-%version-%release.tar

389 Directory Server Gateway is a collection of 3 web applications
that run on top of the Administration Server used by the Directory
Server.  These 3 applications are:
* phonebook - a simple phonebook application geared towards end users,
with simple search screens and simple self-service management
* orgchart - an organization chart viewer
* gateway - a more advanced search interface that allows admins to
create and edit user entries, and allows creation of templates for
different types of user and group entries




# get adminutil locations
export adminutil_inc=/usr/include/libadminutil
export adminutil_lib=-L%_libdir/

# force the use of the admin server
%configure --with-admserv=/usr/share/fedora-ds/html/ --with-ldapsdk-inc=/usr/include/mozldap --with-ldapsdk-lib=%_libdir --with-instconfigdir=/etc/fedora-ds/ --with-adminserver


%make DESTDIR=%buildroot install

%config %_sysconfdir/fedora-ds/dsgw/*

* Mon Oct 12 2009 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru> 1.1.4-alt2
- fix build (add libicu-devel to buildreq)

* Mon Aug 17 2009 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru> 1.1.4-alt1
- 1.1.4

* Tue Jun 02 2009 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru> 1.1.2-alt3
- build with 389-adminutil instead of fedora-ds-adminutil

* Mon May 25 2009 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru> 1.1.2-alt2
- rename to 389-dsgw

* Fri Apr 03 2009 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru> 1.1.2-alt1
- 1.1.2

* Sat Sep 06 2008 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru> 1.1.1-alt1
- 1.1.1

* Wed May 07 2008 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru> 1.1.0-alt1
- Initial release