Пакет apt-conf-server: Specfile

%define base_name apt-conf
%define distro server
%define Distro 5.0 Server

Name: %base_name-%distro
Version: 5.0
Release: alt2

Summary: A set of apt configuration files for %distribution %Distro
License: GPL
Group: System/Configuration/Packaging
Packager: Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.org>

Source: %name-%version.tar

Provides: %base_name = %version-%release, %_sysconfdir/apt/pkgpriorities
PreReq: coreutils
Conflicts: apt <= 0:0.5.15cnc6-alt14
%{expand:%%global o_list apt-conf < 0:4.0 %(for n in Castle Compact Junior Master Spring branch hpc junior master office-server school desktop terminal; do echo -n "apt-conf-$n "; done)}
%{?o_list:Conflicts: %o_list}

This package contains default apt configuration for %distribution %Distro.


%make_build REPOSITORIES='server-full-5.0 server-main-5.0 branch-5.0'


%triggerpostun -- apt < 0.3.19cnc51-alt3 %{?o_list:%o_list}
if [ ! -f "$f" ]; then
	if [ -f "$f".rpmsave ]; then
		cp -pf "$f".rpmsave "$f"
	elif [ -f "$f".rpmnew ]; then
		cp -pf "$f".rpmnew "$f"

%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/apt

* Mon Feb 16 2009 Anton V. Boyarshinov <boyarsh@altlinux.ru> 5.0-alt2
- fixed conflict to apt-conf-server 

* Fri Feb 13 2009 Stanislav Ievlev <inger@altlinux.org> 5.0-alt1
- Initial build