Пакет apache2-mod_evasive: Specfile

# Spec file for mod_evasive module for Apache 2.0 server

%define real_name    mod_evasive
%define module_name  mod_evasive
%define version      1.10.1
%define release      alt1

Name: apache2-%module_name
Version: %version
Release: alt2

Summary: Apache 2.x evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks

License: %gpl2only
Group:   System/Servers
URL:     http://www.zdziarski.com/projects/mod_evasive/

Packager: Nikolay A. Fetisov <naf@altlinux.ru>

Source0: %real_name.tar
Source1: evasive.load
Source2: evasive.conf

BuildRequires(pre): apache2-devel >= 2.2.5
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-licenses

Requires(pre): apache2 >= %apache2_version-%apache2_release

# Automatically added by buildreq on Fri Dec 12 2008
BuildRequires: apache2-httpd-prefork

mod_evasive  is an evasive maneuvers module  for Apache to provide
evasive action in the event of an HTTP DoS or DDoS attack or brute
force attack.  It is also designed to be  a detection and  network
management tool, and can be easily configured to talk to ipchains,
firewalls, routers, and etcetera. mod_evasive presently reports 
abuses via email and syslog facilities. 

Detection is performed  by creating an internal dynamic hash table
of IP Addresses and URIs, and denying any single IP address from
any of the following:
- Requesting the same page more than a few times per second
- Making more than few concurrent requests on the same child per
- Making any requests while temporarily blacklisted (on a blocking

mod_evasive could be easly integrated with firewalls and routers
for maximum protection.

%setup -q -n %real_name

mv -f -- LICENSE LICENSE.orig
ln -s -- $(relative %_licensedir/GPL-2 %_docdir/%name/LICENSE) LICENSE

%apache2_apxs -a -c mod_evasive24.c

/bin/install -pDm644 .libs/mod_evasive24.so %buildroot%apache2_libexecdir/mod_evasive24.so

/bin/install -pDm644 %SOURCE1 %buildroot%apache2_mods_available/evasive.load
/bin/install -pDm644 %SOURCE2 %buildroot%apache2_mods_available/evasive.conf

/bin/mkdir -p %buildroot%apache2_spooldir/%module_name

# Reconfigure Apache2:
%apache2_sbindir/a2chkconfig ||:

if [ -e %apache2_mods_enabled/%module_name.load ]; then
    %apache2_sbindir/apachectl2 configtest && CONF_OK=1 ||:
    if [ "$CONF_OK" = "1" ]; then
	service %apache2_dname condrestart ||:
        echo "Some errors detected in Apache2 configuration!"
	echo "To use %real_name check configuration and start %apache2_dname service."
    echo "Apache2 %real_name module had been installed, but does't enabled."
    echo "Check %apache2_mods_start directory for files with '%module_name=no' lines."

if [ "$1" = "0" ] ; then # last uninstall
    [ -e %apache2_mods_enabled/%module_name.load ] && %apache2_sbindir/a2dismod %module_name 2>&1 >/dev/null ||:

# Reconfigure Apache2:
%apache2_sbindir/a2chkconfig ||:
if [ "$1" = "0" ] ; then # last uninstall
    %apache2_sbindir/apachectl2 configtest && CONF_OK=1 ||:
    if [ "$CONF_OK" = "1" ]; then
	service %apache2_dname condrestart ||:
        echo "Some errors detected in Apache2 configuration!"
	echo "To complete %real_name uninstalling check configuration and restart %apache2_dname service."

%doc --no-dereference LICENSE

%config(noreplace) %apache2_mods_available/evasive.conf

%dir %apache2_spooldir/%module_name

* Wed Apr 27 2016 Sergey Alembekov <rt@altlinux.ru> 1.10.1-alt2
- mod_evasive24.c adopted to apache-2.4 API
- rebuild with apache-2.4

* Wed Apr 17 2013 Dmitry V. Levin (QA) <qa_ldv@altlinux.org> 1.10.1-alt1.qa1
- NMU: rebuilt for debuginfo.

* Fri Dec 12 2008 Nikolay A. Fetisov <naf@altlinux.ru> 1.10.1-alt1
- Initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus

* Fri Dec 12 2008 Nikolay A. Fetisov <naf@altlinux.ru> 1.10.1-alt0.1
- Initial build