Пакет libstatgrab: Specfile

Name: libstatgrab
Version: 0.17
Release: alt1.1

Summary: libstatgrab library helps to collect many system infomation
License: LGPL, GPL
Group: System/Libraries

Url: http://www.i-scream.org/libstatgrab/
Source: %name-%version.tar.gz
Patch: %name-alt-makefile.patch
Packager: Sergey Zhumatiy <zhum@altlinux.org>

Statgrab is a crossplatform library to collect system information.
Such as loadaverage, cpu usage, network usage, memory usage, etc.

%package tools
Summary: Console program to check system activity
Group: Monitoring
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description tools
Console program to check system activity, using libstatgrab.

%package saidar
Summary: Console program to check system activity
Group: Monitoring
Requires: libncurses
Requires: %name = %version-%release
BuildRequires: libncurses-devel

%description saidar
Console program to check system activity, using libstatgrab.

%package devel
Summary: Headers for %name
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description devel
Headers for building software that uses %name
%if_enabled static
%package devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for %name
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name-devel = %version-%release

%description devel-static
Static libs for building statically linked software that uses %name

%patch -p1

%configure --with-ncurses %{subst_enable static}
#%%configure --disable-saidar %{subst_enable static}
sed -ri 's/^(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec|runpath_var)=.*/\1=/' libtool



%files saidar

%files tools

%files devel

#%%if_enabled static
#%%files -n %name-devel-static

* Sat Feb 04 2012 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at altlinux.org> 0.17-alt1.1
- Removed bad RPATH

* Sat Oct 08 2011 Michael Shigorin <mike@altlinux.org> 0.17-alt1
- NMU: 0.17 (thx fedorawatch)

* Mon Nov 08 2010 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at altlinux.org> 0.16-alt1.qa1.1
- Rebuilt for soname set-versions

* Thu Jan 14 2010 Repocop Q. A. Robot <repocop@altlinux.org> 0.16-alt1.qa1
- NMU (by repocop): the following fixes applied:
  * post_ldconfig for libstatgrab
  * postun_ldconfig for libstatgrab
  * postclean-05-filetriggers for spec file

* Mon May 25 2009 Sergey Zhumatiy <zhum@altlinux.org> 0.16-alt1
- fixed wrong pkgconfig file location on x86_64 (spec file bug)
- new version 0.16
- saidar is added as separated package

* Thu Nov 15 2007 Sergey Zhumatiy <zhum@altlinux.org> 0.14-alt3
- saidar deleted from package because of unstable compiling

* Fri Oct 19 2007 Sergey Zhumatiy <zhum@altlinux.org> 0.14-alt2
- main pakage is splitted to libstatgrab and libstatgrab-tools

* Fri Oct 05 2007 Sergey Zhumatiy <zhum@altlinux.org> 0.14-alt1
- initial build