Пакет gem-setup-doc: Информация

    Бинарный пакет: gem-setup-doc
    Версия: 5.999.4-alt3
    Архитектура: noarch
    Собран:  10 августа 2020 г. 19:51 в задании #254848
    Исходный пакет: gem-setup
    Категория: Development/Documentation
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: https://github.com/rubyworks/setup

    Лицензия: BSD-2-Clause
    О пакете: Documentation files for setup gem
    Documentation files for setup gem.

    Сопровождающий: Ruby Maintainers Team

    Список участников:
    Pavel Skrylev

    Последнее изменение

    13 июля 2020 г. Pavel Skrylev 5.999.4-alt3
    - ! gemfile dep export in one line when dep name is the same
    - ! spec syntax
    9 июля 2020 г. Pavel Skrylev 5.999.4-alt2
    - - additional config path part for config folder for gem target
    30 июня 2020 г. Pavel Skrylev 5.999.4-alt1
    - ^ 5.999.3 -> 5.999.4
    - + actor module
    - + 3 actors: copy, link, touch
    - + dep-source command line key, to define a name of a source for the
        specified used source, and set to show requires
    - + append and skip lists support in source gem and gemfile
    - + check to wheither the gemfile is exist, if no skip install
    - + echoe spec core extension module
    - + echo gemspec parser
    - + gemspec detector for bones gemspec types
    - + bones extension for core
    - + blank method to replace embedded one in gem's specification class
    - + autorequire for olddoc and wrongdoc modules if no
    - + simple replacement for gem olddoc
    - + simple replacement for gem wrongdoc
    - + check to wheither the gemfile is exist, if no skip install
    - + log module
    - - unnecessary deps
    - - duplication extfiles due to block in gem source module
    - * installation of compiled modules by actors
    - * gemspec scheme enumeration and requiring
    - * name of rakefile to package task gemspec load
    - * gemspecs evaluating and loading in module space for bones, echoe, hoe
        and package task
    - * proper loading Rakefile into named module instead of unnamed to
        allowing root level defined methods access
    - ! rookbook gemspec detector