Пакет perl-Data-Printer: Информация

    Бинарный пакет: perl-Data-Printer
    Версия: 0.40-alt1
    Архитектура: noarch
    Собран:  2 августа 2017 г. 22:24 в задании #186160
    Исходный пакет: perl-Data-Printer
    Категория: Разработка/Perl
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Data-Printer/

    Лицензия: perl
    О пакете: colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
    Want to see what's inside a variable in a complete, colored
    and human-friendly way?
      use Data::Printer;   # or just "use DDP" for short
      p @array;            # no need to pass references
    Code above might output something like this (with colors!):
           [0] "a",
           [1] "b",
           [2] undef,
           [3] "c",
    You can also inspect objects:
        my $obj = SomeClass->new;
    Which might give you something like:
      \ SomeClass  {
          Parents       Moose::Object
          Linear @ISA   SomeClass, Moose::Object
          public methods (3) : bar, foo, meta
          private methods (0)
          internals: {
             _something => 42,
    Data::Printer is fully customizable. If you want to change how things
    are displayed, or even its standard behavior. Take a look at the
    available customizations. Once you figure out
    your own preferences, create a
    configuration file for
    yourself and Data::Printer will automatically use it!
    That's about it! Feel free to stop reading now and start dumping
    your data structures! For more information, including feature set,
    how to create filters, and general tips, just keep reading :)
    Oh, if you are just experimenting and/or don't want to use a
    configuration file, you can set all options during initialization,
    including coloring, identation and filters!
      use Data::Printer {
          color => {
             'regex' => 'blue',
             'hash'  => 'yellow',
          filters => {
             'DateTime' => sub { $_[0]->ymd },
             'SCALAR'   => sub { "oh noes, I found a scalar! $_[0]" },
    The first `{}' block is just syntax sugar, you can safely ommit it
    if it makes things easier to read:
      use DDP colored => 1;
      use Data::Printer  deparse => 1, sort_keys => 0;

    Сопровождающий: Igor Vlasenko

    Список участников:
    Igor Vlasenko

    Последнее изменение

    2 августа 2017 г. Igor Vlasenko 0.40-alt1
    - automated CPAN update
    9 мая 2017 г. Igor Vlasenko 0.39-alt1
    - automated CPAN update
    10 февраля 2016 г. Igor Vlasenko 0.38-alt1
    - automated CPAN update