Сопровождающий Dmitriy Kruglikov в ветке p9: Информация
Имя сопровождающего: Dmitriy Kruglikov (dkr)
Собрано source пакетов в данной ветке: 5
- NMU: Replace BuildRequires for guile on e2k arch.
- added support both database backends: deprecated HDB and new MDB - deprecated backend template renamed to slapd-hdb-template.conf - before create DN may set key SLAPD_BACKEND in /etc/sysconfig/ldap - conditional creation DB_CONFIG for deprecated BDB/HDB backends - added check and setup required backend modules to main slapd.conf - changed access permissions to $db_dir for ldap group - attention: new MDB backend template now used by default
- Disable upper limit of alterator-service-functions in backport to p7 branch
- Fix services start/stop (by "Valery V. Inozemtsev").
- Initial build.