Пакет perl-Crypt-Simple: Specfile

#   - Crypt::Simple -
#   This spec file was automatically generated by cpan2rpm [ver: 2.027]
#   (ALT Linux revision)
#   The following arguments were used:
#       Crypt::Simple
#   For more information on cpan2rpm please visit: http://perl.arix.com/

%define module Crypt-Simple
%define m_distro Crypt-Simple
%define m_name Crypt::Simple
%define m_author_id unknown
%define _enable_test 1

Name: perl-Crypt-Simple
Version: 0.06
Release: alt1.1.1

Summary: encrypt stuff simply

License: Artistic
Group: Development/Perl
Url: http://www.cpan.org

Packager: Igor Zubkov <icesik@altlinux.ru>

BuildArch: noarch
Source: %m_distro-%version.tar.gz

# Automatically added by buildreq on Mon Jul 02 2007
BuildRequires: perl-Compress-Zlib perl-Crypt-Blowfish perl-devel perl-FreezeThaw

Maybe you have a web application and you need to store some session data at the
client side (in a cookie or hidden form fields) but you don't want the user to
be able to mess with the data.  Maybe you want to save secret information to a
text file.  Maybe you have better ideas of what to do with encrypted stuff!

This little module will convert all your data into nice base64 text that you
can save in a text file, send in an email, store in a cookie or web page, or
bounce around the Net.  The data you encrypt can be as simple or as complicated
as you like.

%setup -q -n %m_distro-%version


%exclude %perl_vendor_archlib

* Mon Nov 22 2010 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux.ru> 0.06-alt1.1.1
- repair after perl 5.12 upgrade using girar-nmu

* Tue Oct 07 2008 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux.ru> 0.06-alt1.1
- NMU: fix for perlarchdir ownership

* Mon Jul 02 2007 Igor Zubkov <icesik@altlinux.org> 0.06-alt1
- first build for ALT Linux Sisyphus