Пакет gcov7_lcc1.25: Specfile

%global _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

# I'm putting here the GCC version this lib is based on
# (and the corresponding lcc is claimed to be compatible with;
# as printed by gcc --version):
%global compat_gcc_branch 7
%global lcc_branch 1.25
%global lcc_gcc_branch %{compat_gcc_branch}_lcc%{lcc_branch}

Name:     gcov%lcc_gcc_branch
Version:  %{lcc_branch}.06
Release:  alt1.E2K.1

Summary:  The GCC coverage testing tool
License:  GPLv2+ with GCC-exception-2.0
Group:    System/Libraries
Url:      http://www.mcst.ru/
Packager: Andrew Savchenko <bircoph@altlinux.org>

Source:  gcov.tar
Source1: gcov.texi
Source2: Makefile
Source3: texi2pod.pl

ExclusiveArch: %e2k

BuildRequires: makeinfo perl-podlators
Obsoletes: gcov7

This package contains the GCC coverage testing tool built
for the e2k architecture.

%setup -n gcov

%make_build CC="%__cc" CFLAGS="%optflags"

%makeinstall_std BINDIR="%_bindir" INFODIR="%_infodir" \
MAN1DIR="%_man1dir" BRANCH=%{lcc_gcc_branch}
ln -s gcov-%{lcc_gcc_branch} %buildroot%_bindir/e2k-alt-linux-gcov-%{lcc_gcc_branch}


* Tue Jul 28 2020 Andrew Savchenko <bircoph@altlinux.org> 1.25.06-alt1.E2K.1
- Update to lcc-1.25.06.
- Introduce separate package names for each lcc branch:
  this allows bootstrapless updates.

* Wed Jun 24 2020 Andrew Savchenko <bircoph@altlinux.org> 1.24.11-alt1.E2K.1
- Initial version for lcc-1.24.11.
- Build info and man pages using gcov.texi from gcc-4.2.1.