Пакет krank: Информация
Исходный пакет: krank
Версия: 07-alt2.1
Собран: 7 июня 2019 г. 6:14
Категория: Игры/Прочее
Сообщить об ошибке в пакетеЛицензия: GPL
О пакете: Mouse magnet manipulation game with nifty graphics
the snake follows your mouse or the analog stick of your joypad. the balls move if you touch them with the snake or another ball. the links are like balls, but they bond together if they touch each other. the stones never move and do nothing else. the magnets, unmovable themselves, attract everything that moves. the number of circles rotating around them indicates how many items may get captured in them. the anchors never move, but bond together with links. the number of circles rotating around them indicates how many links may bond with them. the aim of each level is to remove all anchors and magnets.
Сопровождающий: George V. Kouryachy
Последнее изменение
22 октября 2011 г. Vitaly Kuznetsov 07-alt2.1
- Rebuild with Python-2.7
11 мая 2010 г. George V. Kouryachy 07-alt2
- Fix repocop warnings
3 декабря 2009 г. Eugeny A. Rostovtsev 07-alt1.qa1.1
- Rebuilt with python 2.6