Пакет perl-Test-Mojibake: Информация

    Исходный пакет: perl-Test-Mojibake
    Версия: 1.3-alt1_7
    Собран:  20 мая 2019 г. 19:15
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: https://metacpan.org/release/Test-Mojibake

    Лицензия: GPL+ or Artistic
    О пакете: Check your source for encoding misbehavior
    Many modern text editors automatically save files using UTF-8 codification.
    However, the perl interpreter does not expect it by default. Whilst this does
    not represent a big deal on (most) backend-oriented programs, Web framework
    (Catalyst, Mojolicious) based applications will suffer so-called Mojibake
    (literally: "unintelligible sequence of characters"). Even worse: if an editor
    saves BOM (Byte Order Mark, U+FEFF character in Unicode) at the start of a
    script with the executable bit set (on Unix systems), it won't execute at all,
    due to shebang corruption.
    Avoiding codification problems is quite simple:
     * Always use utf8/use common::sense when saving source as UTF-8
     * Always specify =encoding utf8 when saving POD as UTF-8
     * Do neither of above when saving as ISO-8859-1
     * Never save BOM (not that it's wrong; just avoid it as you'll barely
       notice its presence when in trouble)
    However, if you find yourself upgrading old code to use UTF-8 or trying to
    standardize a big project with many developers, each one using a different
    platform/editor, reviewing all files manually can be quite painful, especially
    in cases where some files have multiple encodings (note: it all started when I
    realized that gedit and derivatives are unable to open files with character
    conversion tables).
    Enter the Test::Mojibake ;)

    Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
    perl-Test-Mojibake (noarch)

    Сопровождающий: Igor Vlasenko

    Список участников:
    Igor Vlasenko

      1. findutils
      2. perl(Encode.pm)
      3. perl(ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm)
      4. perl(File/Spec/Functions.pm)
      5. perl(Perl/Critic.pm)
      6. perl(Perl/Critic/Policy/Modules/ProhibitModuleShebang.pm)
      7. perl(Pod/Coverage/TrustPod.pm)
      8. perl(Pod/Usage.pm)
      9. perl(Test/Builder.pm)
      10. perl(Test/Builder/Tester.pm)
      11. perl(Test/CPAN/Changes.pm)
      12. perl(Test/CPAN/Meta.pm)
      13. perl(Test/CPAN/Meta/JSON.pm)
      14. perl(Test/DistManifest.pm)
      15. perl(Test/EOL.pm)
      16. perl(Test/HasVersion.pm)
      17. perl(Test/Kwalitee.pm)
      18. perl(Test/MinimumVersion.pm)
      19. perl(Test/More.pm)
      20. perl(Test/NoTabs.pm)
      21. perl(Test/Perl/Critic.pm)
      22. perl(Test/Pod.pm)
      23. perl(Test/Pod/Coverage.pm)
      24. perl(Test/Pod/LinkCheck.pm)
      25. perl(Test/Portability/Files.pm)
      26. perl(Test/Script.pm)
      27. perl(Test/Synopsis.pm)
      28. perl(Test/Vars.pm)
      29. perl(Test/Version.pm)
      30. perl(Unicode/CheckUTF8.pm)
      31. perl(blib.pm)
      32. perl(strict.pm)
      33. perl(warnings.pm)
      34. perl-devel
      35. perl-podlators
      36. coreutils
      37. rpm-build-perl

    Последнее изменение

    14 июля 2018 г. Igor Vlasenko 1.3-alt1_7
    - update to new release by fcimport
    2 октября 2017 г. Igor Vlasenko 1.3-alt1_4
    - update to new release by fcimport
    3 августа 2017 г. Igor Vlasenko 1.3-alt1_3
    - update to new release by fcimport