Пакет comix: Specfile

Summary: Comic book viewer
Name: comix
Version: 4.0.4
Release: alt3
License: GPLv2+
Group: Graphics
Url: http://comix.sourceforge.net/
Packager: Ilya Mashkin <oddity@altlinux.ru>
Source: %name-%version.tar.gz

## FC patches
Patch1: FC-4.0.4-archive-directory-removed.patch
Patch2: FC-4.0.4-thumb-imaging_error.patch
Patch3: FC-4.0.4-gettext-usrmove.patch
Patch4: FC-4.0.4-pathname2url-utf8.patch
Patch5: FC-4.0.4-import-PIL-for-Image.patch
Patch6: FC-4.0.4-tobytes.patch

## Ubuntu patches

## ALT patches
Patch501: %name.netbsd.patch1
Patch502: %name.netbsd.patch2
Patch503: %name-4.0.3-filechooser.patch

## done

BuildArch: noarch
##Requires: python-module-imaging

##BuildPreReq: desktop-file-utils shared-mime-info GConf
##BuildRequires: GConf libjpeg-utils python-module-imaging python-module-pygobject unrar python-module-pygtk-devel python-module-pygtk libsqlite3-devel

# Automatically added by buildreq on Sat Mar 09 2019
# optimized out: libdbus-glib libgpg-error python-base python-module-cffi python-module-scandir python-module-six python-modules python-modules-compiler python-modules-ctypes python-modules-logging sh4 shared-mime-info
BuildRequires: GConf python-module-Pillow python-module-pathlib2 python-module-pygobject unrar

Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz, and tar.bz2
archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files.

## FC apply patches
%patch1 -p1 -b .missing
%patch2 -p1 -b .debug1
%patch3 -p1 -b .usrmove
%patch4 -p1 -b .p2url
%patch5 -p1 -b .pil
%patch6 -p1 -b .tobytes

## Ubuntu apply patches

## ALT apply patches

## Done

# XXX summon buildreq
mkdir BUILD
python install.py install --dir `pwd`/BUILD

mkdir -p %buildroot%prefix
python install.py install --dir %buildroot%prefix

install -D mime/comix.xml %buildroot%_datadir/mime/packages/%name.xml
install -D mime/comicbook.schemas %buildroot%_sysconfdir/gconf/schemas/%name.schemas

%find_lang %name

%files -f %name.lang
%exclude %_datadir/mime/XMLnamespaces
%exclude %_datadir/mime/aliases
%exclude %_datadir/mime/application/x-cbr.xml
%exclude %_datadir/mime/application/x-cbt.xml
%exclude %_datadir/mime/application/x-cbz.xml
%exclude %_datadir/mime/generic-icons
%exclude %_datadir/mime/globs
%exclude %_datadir/mime/globs2
%exclude %_datadir/mime/icons
%exclude %_datadir/mime/magic
%exclude %_datadir/mime/mime.cache
%exclude %_datadir/mime/subclasses
%exclude %_datadir/mime/treemagic
%exclude %_datadir/mime/types
%exclude %_datadir/mime/version

* Sat Mar 09 2019 Fr. Br. George <george@altlinux.ru> 4.0.4-alt3
- Resurrected from orphaned
- Fedora patches applied

* Tue Nov 18 2014 Andrey Cherepanov <cas@altlinux.org> 4.0.4-alt2.2
- Remove deprecated requirements on python-module-imaging-devel

* Wed Oct 26 2011 Vitaly Kuznetsov <vitty@altlinux.ru> 4.0.4-alt2.1
- Rebuild with Python-2.7

* Mon Dec 20 2010 Ilya Mashkin <oddity@altlinux.ru> 4.0.4-alt2
- rebuild

* Fri Jan 15 2010 Repocop Q. A. Robot <repocop@altlinux.org> 4.0.4-alt1.1.qa1
- NMU (by repocop): the following fixes applied:
  * obsolete-call-in-post-gtk-update-icon-cache for comix
  * desktop-mime-entry for comix
  * shared-mime-info for comix
  * postclean-05-filetriggers for spec file

* Tue Dec 01 2009 Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at altlinux.org> 4.0.4-alt1.1
- Rebuilt with python 2.6

* Sun Apr 05 2009 Ilya Mashkin <oddity@altlinux.ru> 4.0.4-alt1
- 4.0.4

* Fri Apr 03 2009 Ilya Mashkin <oddity@altlinux.ru> 4.0.3-alt1
- 4.0.3
- apply repocop patch

* Wed Oct 22 2008 Ilya Mashkin <oddity@altlinux.ru> 3.6.5-alt1
- 3.6.5

* Mon Apr 21 2008 Mikhail Pokidko <pma@altlinux.org> 3.6.4-alt3
- netbsd-patches (by php-coder)

* Thu Apr 03 2008 Mikhail Pokidko <pma@altlinux.org> 3.6.4-alt2
- repocop fix

* Fri Mar 21 2008 Mikhail Pokidko <pma@altlinux.org> 3.6.4-alt1
- Version up, fix #15019

* Tue Jul 18 2006 Mikhail Pokidko <pma@altlinux.ru> 3.1.3-alt1
- initial build