Package apt-basic-checkinstall: Скрипты

Pre install

set -o pipefail

# Check that apt-tests has no unwanted extra reqs:
found_unwanted_reqs_of_tests="$(rpm -q apt-tests -R |
				    { grep -e '\(apt-https\|/usr/sbin/nginx\|nginx\|/usr/bin/openssl\|openssl\)' ||
				      [ $? -eq 1 ]; })"
if [ -n "$found_unwanted_reqs_of_tests" ]; then
    printf >&2 'These are unwanted extra reqs of apt-tests:\n%s\n' \
    exit 1

pushd /usr/share/apt/tests/

# force the target arch for the tests
# By default, the packages would be built for the arch detected by rpm-build
# (rpmbuild --eval %_arch). On installation, they would be compared
# by rpm for compatibility with the arch detected by rpm. Currently,
# the mismatch in the detection between rpm and rpm-build can lead to problems,
# at least, on armh. So, we set the target by force to a value that must work.
system_arch="$(rpm -q rpm --qf='%{ARCH}')"
export APT_TEST_TARGET="$system_arch"

# this macro can be prefixed (e.g., by environment assignments),
# therefore the extra backslash in the first line

# A quick test with just one method for the case without APT_TEST_GPGPUBKEY.
		./run-tests -v

# The same tests, but just via cdrom with a missing release:
#APT_TEST_METHODS=cdrom_missing_release %runtests