Пакет fonts-bitmap-mona: Specfile

Group: Graphical desktop/Other
%define oldname monafont
# see https://bugzilla.altlinux.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10382
%define _localstatedir %{_var}
%{!?_fontbasedir: %global _fontbasedir %{_datadir}/fonts}

%define		archivename		monafont

%define		projectname		mona
%define		fontname		%{projectname}
%define		family_ttf_s		sazanami
%define		family_ttf_v		vlgothic
%define		real_family_ttf_s	sazanami
%define		real_family_ttf_v	VLGothic

%define		rpmname_suffix	fonts

%define		fontdir_bitmap	%{projectname}
%define		fontdir_ttf_s		%{projectname}-%{family_ttf_s}
%define		fontdir_ttf_v		%{projectname}-%{family_ttf_v}

%define		name_bitmap		fonts-bitmap-%{projectname}
%define		name_ttf_s		fonts-ttf-%{projectname}-%{family_ttf_s}
%define		name_ttf_v		fonts-ttf-%{projectname}-%{family_ttf_v}

%define		old_name_bitmap	fonts-bitmap-mona-bitmap
%define		old_name_ttf_s	mona-fonts-sazanami
%define		old_name_ttf_v	mona-fonts-VLGothic

%define		fontdir_bitmap_full	%{_fontsdir}/bitmap/%{fontdir_bitmap}
%define		fontdir_ttf_s_full	%{_fontsdir}/ttf/%{fontdir_ttf_s}
%define		fontdir_ttf_v_full	%{_fontsdir}/ttf/%{fontdir_ttf_v}

%define		obsoletes_EVR		2.90-alt1_20
%define		sazanami_ver		20040629
%define		vlgothic_ver		20141206

%define		catalog_dir		%{_sysconfdir}/X11/fontpath.d

# misc
%define		show_progress		0

%define	common_description	\
Mona Font is a Japanese proportional font which allows you to view \
Japanese text arts correctly.

Name:		fonts-bitmap-mona
Version:	2.90
Release:	alt1_29
Summary:	Japanese font for text arts

# monafont itself is under public domain
License:	Public Domain
URL:		http://monafont.sourceforge.net/
Source0:	http://downloads.sourceforge.net/monafont/%{archivename}-%{version}.tar.bz2

# Appstream metainfo files
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1165507
Source1:        %{fontname}.metainfo.xml
Source2:        %{fontname}-sazanami.metainfo.xml
Source3:        %{fontname}-vlgothic.metainfo.xml

# Need investigating, however
# it seems that the behavior of "split" changed between 5.10 -> 5.12
Patch0:	monafont-2.90-perl512-split.patch

BuildArch:	noarch
BuildRequires:	fontpackages-devel
BuildRequires:	%{_bindir}/perl
BuildRequires:	glibc-locales
Source44: import.info


%if 0
%package -n fonts-bitmap-mona
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Summary:	Bitmap Japanese font for text arts
License:	Public Domain
# Write BuildRequires a bit verbosely
BuildRequires:	perl-devel
BuildRequires:	%{_bindir}/bdftopcf
BuildRequires:	%{_bindir}/mkfontdir
#Obsoletes:	%{old_name_bitmap} <= %{obsoletes_EVR}
#Provides:	%{old_name_bitmap} = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n fonts-bitmap-mona

%package -n fonts-ttf-mona-sazanami
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Summary:	True Type Japanese font for text arts based on Sazanami
# monafont itself is Public Domain and this package borrows
# sazanami
# And the outline otf uses Kochi-substitute (later renamed to sazanami),
# which is under BSD
License:	BSD
BuildRequires:	fonts-ttf-sazanami-gothic = 0.%{sazanami_ver}
#Obsoletes:	%{old_name_ttf_s} <= %{obsoletes_EVR}
#Provides:	%{old_name_ttf_s} = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n fonts-ttf-mona-sazanami

This package contains True Type fonts generated generated from
%{oldname} source package which are based on Sazanami fonts.

%package -n fonts-ttf-mona-vlgothic
Group: Graphical desktop/Other
Summary:	True Type Japanese font for text arts based on VLGothic
# monafont itself is Public Domain and this package borrows
# VLGothic (mplus and BSD)
# And the outline otf uses Kochi-substitute (later renamed to sazanami),
# which is under BSD
License:	mplus and BSD
BuildRequires:	fonts-ttf-vlgothic-p = %{vlgothic_ver}
#Obsoletes:	%{old_name_ttf_v} <= %{obsoletes_EVR}
#Provides:	%{old_name_ttf_v} = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n fonts-ttf-mona-vlgothic

This package contains True Type fonts generated generated from
%{oldname} source package which are based on VLGothic fonts.

%setup -n %{oldname}-%{version} -q
%patch0 -p1 -b .perl512

iconv -f EUC-JP -t UTF-8 README.euc > README
touch -r README.euc README
iconv -f SHIFT-JIS -t UTF-8 ttfsrc/README-ttf.txt > ttfsrc/README-ttf.txt.tmp
touch -r ttfsrc/README-ttf.txt ttfsrc/README-ttf.txt.tmp
mv -f ttfsrc/README-ttf.txt.tmp ttfsrc/README-ttf.txt

%if ! %{show_progress}
# In the build on koji, showing progress bar is rather dirty
grep -rl '\\rprogress' . | xargs sed -i.bar -e '/\\rprogress/s|print|# print|'

## Not using parallel make

# 1. bitmap fonts
make bdf

# 2. ttf
cd ttfsrc
cp -p name.src name.src.orig

## 2.1 ttf based on sazanami
sed -e 's|^Mona$|Mona-%{real_family_ttf_s}|' name.src.orig > name.src
make clean
make \
	BASE_OUTLINE_TTF=$(find %{_fontbasedir}/ttf/%{family_ttf_s} -name sazanami-gothic.ttf) \
mv mona.ttf mona-%{real_family_ttf_s}.ttf

## 2.2 ttf based on VLGothic
sed -e 's|^Mona$|Mona-%{real_family_ttf_v}|' name.src.orig > name.src
make clean
make \
	BASE_OUTLINE_TTF=$(find %{_fontbasedir}/ttf/%{family_ttf_v} -name VL-PGothic-Regular.ttf) \
mv mona.ttf mona-%{real_family_ttf_v}.ttf

cd ..


# 1. bitmap fonts
mkdir -p -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{fontdir_bitmap_full}
make install \
	X11BINDIR=%{_bindir} \
	MKDIRHIER="mkdir -p" \
	X11FONTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{fontdir_bitmap_full} \
	GZIP_CMD="gzip -9" \
install -cpm 644 fonts.alias.mona \

## catalog symlink
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catalog_dir}
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{catalog_dir}

ln -sf ${UPWARDDIR}%{fontdir_bitmap_full} %{fontdir_bitmap}
if [ ! -f $UPWARDDIR%{fontdir_bitmap_full}/fonts.dir ] ; then
	echo "Perhaps symlink target is wrong"
	exit 1

# 2. ttf
cd ttfsrc

mkdir -p -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{fontdir_ttf_s_full}
install -cpm 0644 mona-%{real_family_ttf_s}.ttf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{fontdir_ttf_s_full}/

mkdir -p -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{fontdir_ttf_v_full}
install -cpm 0644 mona-%{real_family_ttf_v}.ttf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{fontdir_ttf_v_full}/

cd ..

# Add AppStream metadata
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1165507
install -Dm 0644 -p %{SOURCE1} \
install -Dm 0644 -p %{SOURCE2} \
install -Dm 0644 -p %{SOURCE3} \

%files -n fonts-bitmap-mona
%doc	README.ascii
%dir				%{fontdir_bitmap_full}
%verify(not md5 size mtime)	%{fontdir_bitmap_full}/fonts.alias
%verify(not md5 size mtime)	%{fontdir_bitmap_full}/fonts.dir

%define	_font_pkg_name	%{name_ttf_s}
%define	_fontdir	%{fontdir_ttf_s_full}
%files -n %{name_ttf_s}
%dir %{fontdir_ttf_s_full}/
%doc	ttfsrc/README-ttf.txt

%define	_font_pkg_name	%{name_ttf_v}
%define	_fontdir	%{fontdir_ttf_v_full}
%files -n %{name_ttf_v}
%dir %{fontdir_ttf_v_full}/
%doc	ttfsrc/README-ttf.txt

* Fri Oct 15 2021 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux.org> 2.90-alt1_29
- fc update

* Sun Feb 17 2019 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux.ru> 2.90-alt1_23
- added appinfo
- obsoleted fonts-bitmap-mona-bitmap
- manually cleared spec

* Mon Sep 24 2012 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux.ru> 2.90-alt1_16
- new fc release

* Wed Jun 20 2012 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux.ru> 2.90-alt1_15
- fc import