Пакет gnome-desktop-testing: Specfile

%def_enable snapshot
%define ver_major 2021

Name: gnome-desktop-testing
Version: %ver_major.1
Release: alt1

Summary: GNOME test runner for installed tests
Group: Development/GNOME and GTK+
License: LGPLv2+
Url: https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/GnomeGoals/InstalledTests

%if_disabled snapshot
Source: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/%name/%ver_major/%name-%version.tar.xz
Vcs: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-desktop-testing.git
Source: %name-%version.tar

BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0) >= 2.50
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsystemd)

gnome-desktop-testing-runner is a basic runner for tests that are
installed in /usr/share/installed-tests.  For more information, see %url





* Wed Jun 30 2021 Yuri N. Sedunov <aris@altlinux.org> 2021.1-alt1
- 2021.1

* Wed Jun 26 2019 Yuri N. Sedunov <aris@altlinux.org> 2018.1-alt1
- first build for Sisyphus (v2018.1-7-g355287f)