Пакет libcontrol++: Specfile

Name: libcontrol++
Version: 0.17.0
Release: alt1

Summary: control++ common classes and functions library
License: GPLv3
Group: Development/Other
Url: https://www.altlinux.org/Control++

Packager: Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org>

# http://git.altlinux.org/people/alexey/packages/?p=libcontrolplusplus.git
Source: %name-%version.tar

BuildRequires: gcc-c++
BuildRequires: libacl-devel

%define libcontrol++_desc \
libcontrol++ provides common classes and functions,\
that can be used in other app\
(such as ini-parser or file-operations).

control++ is a simple system configuration tool
that allows administrator to change system ulimits,
set permission modes and, in perspective,
perform other administrative operations.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# libcontrol++-devel

%package -n libcontrol++-devel
Summary: libcontrol++ headers
Group: Development/Other
Requires: libcontrol++
Requires: libacl-devel
BuildArch: noarch

%description -n libcontrol++-devel
Development package for libcontrol++.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #


mkdir -p bin/Release
mkdir -p obj/Release
%make_build -C libcontrol++/ release

mkdir -p %buildroot%_libdir
mkdir -p %buildroot%_includedir/libcontrol++
# Executables
cp libcontrol++/bin/Release/libcontrol++.so %buildroot%_libdir
# Includes
cp libcontrol++/src/*.h %buildroot%_includedir/libcontrol++


%files -n libcontrol++-devel

* Fri Nov 30 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.17.0-alt1
- Ability to check controversy between the permission modes;
- Ability to get all names of variables of the ini-file section;
- New interface of the GetUserId and GetGroupId functions;
- Fixed determination of the 'blacklist' section of the permissions
  description file;
- List section of the permissions description file is any kind of list
  not just 'list';
- Sections 'blacklist' & 'whitelist' of the permissions description file
  are considered recursive type.

* Sun Nov 18 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.16.0-alt1
- TFileMode as common interface for TFilePerm and TFileACL classes;
- TGroupOfFilesMode for handling params of a group of files;
- TSectorType for determining and storing sector types of a mode description;
- Ability to check if file is a dir.

* Sun Nov 11 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.15.2-alt1
- Fix of the checks made during access to the TRunMode flags;
- Enhanced constructor of the TFilePerm and TFileACL.

* Tue Nov 06 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.15.1-alt1
- Fixed JoinFilePaths function;
- Duplicate definition of the member variable is removed
  from TGroupOfFilesACL class.

* Sat Oct 27 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.15.0-alt1
- Functions for searching through file paths;
- Ability to get user/group/other part of the file mode;
- Yes/No dialog;
- Function for comparison of the permission modes;
- Functions for verification of the file's owner/group;
- New section of the project for basic operations with file permissions;
- Ability to restart the print line;
- Class for the variable that can be assigned only once;
- Class for the set of params of a running program;
- Modified FormatFilePath and DirEnding func;
- Function for joining file paths;
- Function for rebasing file paths;
- Ability to set "base directory" for the permission mode;
- Way of determining the neutral mode;
- Ability to use pointer to a struct of params instead of the strings
  for the permission mode;
- Ability to limit the memory step when using PushBack function.

* Sat Oct 13 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.14.0-alt1
- Writting error messages by the ref instead of outputting;
- More secure way of TFilePerm data access and modification;
- New classes TFileACL and TGroupOfFilesACL;
- Ability to check permission/ACL completeness;
- Set of ACL-related functions;
- Function that forms TFilePerm object for a file;
- Functions to get user id/name and group id/name;
- Modified TPrinter class;
- Modified conf-related classes;
- New common functions - CompareFilenames, Subvector and RemoveEmptyElements;
- Text-processing functions are grouped into the 'text' section;
- Sets-related functions are grouped into the 'sets' section.

* Sun Sep 30 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.13.0-alt1
- New section for printing functionality;
- API changes (CutExtension, FormatFilePath and GetHomeDir functions);
- Ability to get feedback while changing permissions;
- Function that gets the intersection of two vectors;
- Function that gets vector that consist of elements of first given vector
  that are not presented in the second given vector;
- Function that gets sector of the conf by given name;
- Ability to clean DOM of the TConf object;
- Ability to add message at the top when rewriting conf;
- Various small modifications.

* Mon Sep 10 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.12.0-alt1
- New section for the filestat-related functions;
- Function for opening the dir and performing the operation inside of it;
- Ability to call the function for the dir or all the files of the dir;
- Ability to add new assgn to the conf DOM and to the conf file;
- Ability to rewrite conf file completely according to DOM;
- Functions for checking/cutting an extension of a filename;
- Function for forming vector of names of all the sectors of the conf file;
- Function for determining special reference dirs;
- Function for converting string to lowercase;
- Lots of small fixes and improvements.

* Fri Jul 27 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.11.0-alt1
- Introducing refs and const modifier wherever possible;
- Functions for trimming the string;
- Function to access the last element of the conf DOM;
- Attempt to write an empty string to a file not considered as an error;
- Explicit templates instances and unused typedefs was removed.

* Sat Jun 09 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.10.0-alt1
- Revised PrintOnEntireLine function.

* Sat Jun 09 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.9.1-alt2
- libcontrol++ is a separate package now.

* Sat Jun 02 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.9.1-alt1
- Memory leakage fix.

* Mon May 21 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.9.0-alt1
- New libcontrol++ features.

* Fri Mar 16 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.8.0-alt1
- New libcontrol++ features.

* Mon Feb 26 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.7.0-alt1
- New libcontrol++ features.

* Wed Feb 14 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.6.0-alt1
- Common classes and functions that can be used in other projects
  compiled as libcontrol++.so
  therefore libcontrol++ and libcontrol++-devel subpackages.

* Fri Jan 26 2018 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.5.1-alt1
- Code restyling.
- Minor changes in units handling.

* Mon Dec 11 2017 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.5.0-alt1
- New unit, that runs script stated in configuration file.

* Mon Dec 4 2017 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.4.2-alt1
- Handling of values in quotes in configuration files.
- Verbose output with -v param when setting mode.

* Thu Nov 30 2017 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.4.1-alt1
- Comment lines passing in configuration files.

* Thu Nov 30 2017 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.4.0-alt1
- Ability to set permission modes.

* Mon Nov 27 2017 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.3.0-alt1
- Restructure for better extensibility.

* Mon Nov 27 2017 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.2.0-alt1
- Support of INI file format for the configuration file. 

* Fri Nov 17 2017 Alexey Appolonov <alexey@altlinux.org> 0.1.0-alt1
- Initial ALT Linux release.