Пакет php7-apcu: Specfile

%define		php_extension	apcu
%define 	real_name	APCu

Name:	 	php%_php_suffix-%php_extension
Version:	5.1.21
Epoch:		1
Release:	alt1.%_php_release_version

Summary:	PHP extension APCu - APC User Cache

License:	PHP-3.01
Group:		System/Servers
URL:		http://pecl.php.net/package/APCu
VCS:		https://github.com/krakjoe/apcu

Source0:	php-%php_extension-%version.tar
Source1:	php-%php_extension.ini
Source2:	php-%php_extension-params.sh

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-php7-version
BuildRequires: php-devel = %php_version
BuildRequires: php%_php_suffix = %php_version

PHP extension APCu is an APC stripped of opcode caching in
preparation for the deployment of Zend Optimizer+ as the
primary solution to opcode caching in future versions of PHP.

APCu only supports userland caching (and dumping) of variables,
providing an upgrade path for the APC users. The tried and 
tested APC codebase provides far superior support for local
storage of PHP variables.

%setup -c


BUILD_HAVE=`echo %php_extension | tr '[:lower:]-' '[:upper:]_'`
%add_optflags -fPIC -L%_libdir
export LDFLAGS=-lphp-%_php_version
%configure \
	--with-%php_extension \
	--with-libdir=%_lib \
	--enable-apc \
	--enable-apc-mmap \


install -D -m 644 -- %SOURCE1 %buildroot/%php_extconf/%php_extension/config
install -D -m 644 -- %SOURCE2 %buildroot/%php_extconf/%php_extension/params

NO_INTERACTION=1 make test





* %(date "+%%a %%b %%d %%Y") %{?package_signer:%package_signer}%{!?package_signer:%packager} 1:%version-%release
- Rebuild with php-devel = %php_version-%php_release

* Wed Jan 26 2022 Anton Farygin <rider@altlinux.ru> 1:5.1.21-alt1
- updated to 5.1.21

* Fri Jan 26 2018 Nikolay A. Fetisov <naf@altlinux.org> 7.1.12-alt1.S1
- New externsion version 5.1.9

* Tue Jun 13 2017 Nikolay A. Fetisov <naf@altlinux.org> 7.1.6-alt1.S1
- Initial build for ALT Linux Sisyphus