Пакет python3-module-HeapDict: Specfile

%define  oname HeapDict

%def_with check

Name:    python3-module-%oname
Version: 1.0.1
Release: alt2

Summary: A heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations

License: BSD-3-Clause
Group:   Development/Python3
URL:     https://pypi.org/project/HeapDict

Packager: Grigory Ustinov <grenka@altlinux.org>

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3

%if_with check
BuildRequires: python3-test
BuildRequires: python3-module-pytest

BuildArch: noarch

Source:  %name-%version.tar

HeapDict is designed to be used as a priority queue, where items are added and
consumed by priority. Compared to an ordinary dict, a heapdict has the
following differences: popitem and peekitem returns the (key, priority) pair
with the lowest priority, instead of a random object.




# https://github.com/DanielStutzbach/heapdict/issues/17
py.test-3 -k 'not test_main'

%doc *.rst

* Fri Jan 26 2024 Grigory Ustinov <grenka@altlinux.org> 1.0.1-alt2
- Fixed FTBFS.

* Thu Jul 21 2022 Grigory Ustinov <grenka@altlinux.org> 1.0.1-alt1
- Initial build for Sisyphus.