Пакет selfie: Информация

    Исходный пакет: selfie
    Версия: 180722-alt2
    Последняя версия по данным Repology
    Собран:  14 мая 2024 г. 16:20 в задании #348058
    Категория: Образование
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: http://selfie.cs.uni-salzburg.at/

    Лицензия: BSD
    О пакете: Self-compiling C compiler, a tiny self-executing RISC-V emulator, and a tiny self-hosting RISC-V hypervisor.
    The Selfie Project provides an educational platform for teaching
    undergraduate and graduate students the design and implementation of
    programming languages and runtime systems. The focus is on the
    construction of compilers, libraries, operating systems, and even
    virtual machine monitors. The common theme is to identify and resolve
    self-reference in systems code which is seen as the key challenge when
    teaching systems engineering, hence the name.

    Список rpm-пакетов, предоставляемых данным srpm-пакетом:
    selfie (x86_64, ppc64le, aarch64)
    selfie-debuginfo (x86_64, ppc64le, aarch64)

    Сопровождающий: Alexey Sheplyakov

    Список участников:
    Alexey Sheplyakov
    George V. Kouryachy

    George V. Kouryachy

    Последнее изменение

    14 мая 2024 г. Alexey Sheplyakov 180722-alt2
    - Fixed FTBFS on non-x86 architectures (skip `-m64`: it's default on
      x86_64 and makes no sense on other architectures).
      Build for all 64-bit architectures.
    - Run a basic check (self compilation).
    22 июля 2018 г. George V. Kouryachy 180722-alt1
    - Initial build