Пакет grep-warnings: Информация
Исходный пакет: grep-warnings
Версия: 1-alt1
Собран: 12 февраля 2020 г. 21:26
Категория: Разработка/Прочее
Сообщить об ошибке в пакетеДомашняя страница: http://git.altlinux.org/gears/s/grep-warnings
Лицензия: CC0
О пакете: Extract and process warnings from build logs so that they can be compared
grep-warnings extracts and processes warnings from build logs so that two logs can be compared (by diff) to detect whether new warnings appeared. Now it simply deletes line numbers from compiler warnings (because they might differ after the source code changed.) It is suited to the format of warnings produced by gcc or lcc. Usage: grep-warnings [--rpmb (p|c|i|STAGE)] Usage example: diff -d <(grep-warnings --rpmb c <hsh.log.0 |sort) <(grep-warnings --rpmb c <hsh.log.1 |sort)
Сопровождающий: Ivan Zakharyaschev