Пакет firefox-esr: Информация

    Исходный пакет: firefox-esr
    Версия: 128.1.0-alt0.port
    Собран:  13 августа 2024 г. 18:50
    Категория: Сети/WWW
    Сообщить об ошибке в пакете
    Домашняя страница: https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/

    Лицензия: MPL-2.0
    О пакете: The Mozilla Firefox project is a redesign of Mozilla's browser
    Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, designed
    for standards compliance, performance and portability.

    Список бинарных RPM-пакетов, собираемых из данного SRPM:
    firefox-esr (loongarch64)
    firefox-esr-config-privacy (loongarch64)
    firefox-esr-debuginfo (loongarch64)

    Сопровождающий: Ivan A. Melnikov

      1. /dev/shm
      2. /proc
      3. alternatives
      4. browser-plugins-npapi-devel
      5. cbindgen
      6. chrpath
      7. clang17.0
      8. clang17.0-devel
      9. glibc-kernheaders-generic
      10. gst-plugins1.0-devel
      11. gstreamer1.0-devel
      12. pkgconfig(alsa)
      13. pkgconfig(aom)
      14. pkgconfig(bzip2)
      15. pkgconfig(cairo)
      16. pkgconfig(dav1d)
      17. pkgconfig(dbus-1)
      18. pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)
      19. pkgconfig(dri)
      20. pkgconfig(fontconfig)
      21. pkgconfig(freetype2)
      22. pkgconfig(gio-2.0)
      23. pkgconfig(graphite2)
      24. pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
      25. pkgconfig(harfbuzz)
      26. pkgconfig(hunspell)
      27. pkgconfig(icu-i18n)
      28. pkgconfig(libcurl)
      29. pkgconfig(libdrm)
      30. pkgconfig(libevent)
      31. pkgconfig(libffi)
      32. pkgconfig(libjpeg)
      33. pkgconfig(libnotify)
      34. pkgconfig(libproxy-1.0)
      35. pkgconfig(libpulse)
      36. pkgconfig(libstartup-notification-1.0)
      37. pkgconfig(nspr) >= 4.35
      38. pkgconfig(nss) >= 3.98
      39. pkgconfig(opus)
      40. pkgconfig(pixman-1)
      41. pkgconfig(vpx)
      42. pkgconfig(x11)
      43. pkgconfig(xcomposite)
      44. pkgconfig(xcursor)
      45. pkgconfig(xdamage)
      46. pkgconfig(xext)
      47. pkgconfig(xft)
      48. pkgconfig(xi)
      49. pkgconfig(xkbcommon)
      50. pkgconfig(xrandr)
      51. pkgconfig(xscrnsaver)
      52. pkgconfig(xt)
      53. pkgconfig(xtst)
      54. pkgconfig(zlib)
      55. python3(click)
      56. python3(curses)
      57. python3(hamcrest)
      58. python3(pip)
      59. python3(setuptools)
      60. python3(sqlite3)
      61. python3-base
      62. rpm-build-firefox
      63. rpm-macros-alternatives
      64. libnss-devel-static
      65. rust >= 1.65.0
      66. rust-cargo >= 1.65.0
      67. unzip
      68. xorg-cf-files
      69. yasm
      70. zip
      71. libshell
      72. libstdc++-devel
      73. llvm17.0-devel
      74. libwireless-devel
      75. mozilla-common-devel
      76. nasm
      77. node

    Последнее изменение

    13 августа 2024 г. Ivan A. Melnikov 128.1.0-alt0.port
    - Avoid LLD on riscv64 and loongarch64 (not capable enough yet);
    - libwebrtc: adjusted build_config.h for LoongArch (asheplyakov@);
    - Increase polling interval for mozbuild resource monitor
      (fixes FTBFS on riscv64).
    6 августа 2024 г. Ajrat Makhmutov 128.1.0-alt1
    - New ESR version.
    - Security fixes:
      + CVE-2024-7518: Fullscreen notification dialog can be obscured by document content
      + CVE-2024-7519: Out of bounds memory access in graphics shared memory handling
      + CVE-2024-7520: Type confusion in WebAssembly
      + CVE-2024-7521: Incomplete WebAssembly exception handing
      + CVE-2024-7522: Out of bounds read in editor component
      + CVE-2024-7524: CSP strict-dynamic bypass using web-compatibility shims
      + CVE-2024-7525: Missing permission check when creating a StreamFilter
      + CVE-2024-7526: Uninitialized memory used by WebGL
      + CVE-2024-7527: Use-after-free in JavaScript garbage collection
      + CVE-2024-7528: Use-after-free in IndexedDB
      + CVE-2024-7529: Document content could partially obscure security prompts
      + CVE-2024-7531: PK11_Encrypt using CKM_CHACHA20 can reveal plaintext on Intel Sandy Bridge machines
    24 июля 2024 г. Ajrat Makhmutov 128.0-alt2
    - Apply all the changes from regular firefox, the main ones:
      + Enable VAAPI.
      + Merge firefox-esr-wayland to firefox-esr.
      + Enforce window name to associate icon and title with window.
      + Update the url tag.
      + Update the description.