Пакет ghc8.6.4-safe: Specfile

%define ghc_version 8.6.4
%define hsc_name ghc
%define hsc_version %ghc_version
%define hsc_namever %hsc_name%hsc_version
%define h_pkg_name safe
%define f_pkg_name safe
%define pkg_libdir %_libdir/%hsc_name-%hsc_version/%h_pkg_name-%version

Name: %hsc_namever-%f_pkg_name
Version: 0.3.19
Release: alt2
License: BSD3
Packager: Denis Smirnov <mithraen@altlinux.ru>
Group: Development/Haskell
Url: https://github.com/ndmitchell/safe#readme
Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-%release.patch
Summary: Library of safe (exception free) functions

BuildPreReq: haskell(abi) = %ghc_version

# Automatically added by buildreq on Sun Jun 21 2020 (-bb)
# optimized out: bashrc elfutils ghc8.6.4 ghc8.6.4-aeson ghc8.6.4-aeson-pretty ghc8.6.4-ansi-terminal ghc8.6.4-ansi-wl-pprint ghc8.6.4-asn1-encoding ghc8.6.4-asn1-types ghc8.6.4-attoparsec ghc8.6.4-base-compat ghc8.6.4-base16-bytestring ghc8.6.4-base64-bytestring ghc8.6.4-basement ghc8.6.4-chronos ghc8.6.4-clock ghc8.6.4-co-log-core ghc8.6.4-colour ghc8.6.4-conduit ghc8.6.4-contravariant ghc8.6.4-cryptohash-sha256 ghc8.6.4-digest ghc8.6.4-dlist ghc8.6.4-ed25519 ghc8.6.4-exceptions ghc8.6.4-hashable ghc8.6.4-hourglass ghc8.6.4-integer-logarithms ghc8.6.4-ldap ghc8.6.4-memory ghc8.6.4-mono-traversable ghc8.6.4-network ghc8.6.4-network-uri ghc8.6.4-old-locale ghc8.6.4-old-time ghc8.6.4-parsec ghc8.6.4-polyparse ghc8.6.4-primitive ghc8.6.4-random ghc8.6.4-regex-base ghc8.6.4-resourcet ghc8.6.4-scientific ghc8.6.4-semigroups ghc8.6.4-split ghc8.6.4-statevar ghc8.6.4-tagged ghc8.6.4-tar ghc8.6.4-th-abstraction ghc8.6.4-time-locale-compat ghc8.6.4-torsor ghc8.6.4-transformers-compat ghc8.6.4-typerep-map ghc8.6.4-unix-compat ghc8.6.4-unliftio-core ghc8.6.4-unordered-containers ghc8.6.4-uuid-types ghc8.6.4-vector ghc8.6.4-vector-algorithms ghc8.6.4-zlib glibc-kernheaders-generic glibc-kernheaders-x86 libffi-devel libgmp-devel perl pkg-config python-modules python2-base python3 python3-base python3-dev rpm-build-haskell rpm-build-python3 sh4
BuildRequires: ghc8.6.4-adldap ghc8.6.4-async ghc8.6.4-base-noprelude ghc8.6.4-bitarray ghc8.6.4-bytestring-encoding ghc8.6.4-cereal ghc8.6.4-co-log ghc8.6.4-common ghc8.6.4-cpphs ghc8.6.4-doc ghc8.6.4-echo ghc8.6.4-edit-distance ghc8.6.4-entropy ghc8.6.4-filemanip ghc8.6.4-generic-deriving ghc8.6.4-hackage-security ghc8.6.4-hfuse ghc8.6.4-hscolour ghc8.6.4-hslogger ghc8.6.4-http ghc8.6.4-markdown-unlit ghc8.6.4-optparse-applicative ghc8.6.4-regex-tdfa ghc8.6.4-relude ghc8.6.4-resolv ghc8.6.4-sandi ghc8.6.4-sha ghc8.6.4-syb ghc8.6.4-utf8-string ghc8.6.4-zip-archive libdb4-devel python-modules-compiler python3-module-mpl_toolkits 

A library wrapping @Prelude@/@Data.List@ functions that can throw
exceptions, such as @head@ and @!!@. Each unsafe function has up to four
variants, e.g. with @tail@:

* @tail :: [a] -> [a]@, raises an error on @tail []@.

* @tailMay :: [a] -> /Maybe/ [a]@, turns errors into @Nothing@.

* @tailDef :: /[a]/ -> [a] -> [a]@, takes a default to return on errors.

* @tailNote :: /String/ -> [a] -> [a]@, takes an extra argument which
supplements the error message.

* @tailSafe :: [a] -> [a]@, returns some sensible default if possible, @[]@
in the case of @tail@.

This package is divided into three modules:

* "Safe" contains safe variants of @Prelude@ and @Data.List@ functions.

* "Safe.Foldable" contains safe variants of @Foldable@ functions.

* "Safe.Exact" creates crashing versions of functions like @zip@ (errors if
the lists are not equal) and @take@ (errors if there are not enough
elements), then wraps them to provide safe variants.

%patch -p1



%files -f %name-files.all

* Thu Aug 17 2023 Anton Zhukharev <ancieg@altlinux.org> 0.3.19-alt2
- Fixed FTBFS.

* Sun Jun 21 2020 Denis Smirnov <mithraen@altlinux.ru> 0.3.19-alt1
- Spec created by cabal2rpm 0.20_10