Пакет yabasic: Specfile

Name: yabasic
Version: 2.763
Release: alt3.qa1

Summary: Small basic interpreter with printing and graphics

License: Public Domain
Group: Development/Other
Url: http://www.yabasic.de/

Packager: Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru>

Source: http://www.yabasic.de/download/%name-%version.tar.bz2
Patch: %name-make.patch

# manually removed: xorg-cf-files
# Automatically added by buildreq on Wed Oct 22 2008
BuildRequires: imake libXt-devel libncurses-devel

BuildPreReq: bison flex

Yabasic implements the most common and simple elements of the basic
langugage; It comes with for-loops and goto with while-loops and
procedures. Yabasic does monochrome line grafics, printing comes with
no extra effort. Yabasic runs under Unix and Windows; it is small
(less than 200KB) and free.

%setup -q
%patch -p1

%configure --with-x



* Mon Apr 15 2013 Dmitry V. Levin (QA) <qa_ldv@altlinux.org> 2.763-alt3.qa1
- NMU: rebuilt for debuginfo.

* Wed Mar 10 2010 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.763-alt3
- add autoreconf, migrate to git

* Wed Oct 22 2008 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.763-alt2
- update buildreq

* Tue Jan 22 2008 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.763-alt1
- "Yabasic has probably reached its final Version 2.763"
- cleanup spec, update buildreqs

* Sun Oct 16 2005 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.763-alt0.1
- new version

* Sun Oct 16 2005 Vitaly Lipatov <lav@altlinux.ru> 2.751-alt0.1
- new version
- spec from PLD Team <feedback@pld-linux.org>