Пакет arptables: Specfile

%define ver 0.0.3
%define over 4
Name: arptables
Version: %ver.%over
Release: alt1

Summary: A filtering tool for a bridging firewall
License: GPL
Group: System/Kernel and hardware

URL: http://ebtables.sourceforge.net
Packager: Boris Savelev <boris@altlinux.org>
Source: %name-v%ver-%over.tar.gz

The ebtables program is a filtering tool for a bridging firewall.
The filtering is focussed on the Link Layer Ethernet frame fields.
Apart from filtering, it also gives the ability to alter the
Ethernet MAC addresses and implement a brouter.

%setup -n %name-v%ver-%over
sed -i "s|-o root -g root||g" Makefile


mkdir -p %buildroot{%_initdir,%_sysconfdir/sysconfig}
touch %buildroot%_sysconfdir/%name
%makeinstall_std PREFIX=%_prefix BINDIR=/sbin MANDIR=%_mandir INITDIR=%_initdir

%config %_sysconfdir/%name

* Mon Mar 08 2010 Boris Savelev <boris@altlinux.org>
- new version
- add service, man, scripts

* Fri Oct 24 2008 Boris Savelev <boris@altlinux.org>
- initial build for Sisyphus.