Пакет givertcap: Specfile

Name: givertcap
Version: 1.0
Release: alt4.1.1

Group: System/Kernel and hardware
Summary: GIVERTCAP gives other application real-time capabilities
Summary(ru_RU.KOI8-R): Givertcap \xd0\xd2\xc5\xc4\xcf\xd3\xd4\xc1\xd7\xcc\xd1\xc5\xd4 \xd0\xd2\xc9\xcc\xcf\xd6\xc5\xce\xc9\xd1\xcd \xd7\xcf\xda\xcd\xcf\xd6\xce\xcf\xd3\xd4\xd8 \xd2\xc1\xc2\xcf\xd4\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd7 \xd2\xc5\xd6\xc9\xcd\xc5 \xd2\xc5\xc1\xcc\xd8\xce\xcf\xc7\xcf \xd7\xd2\xc5\xcd\xc5\xce\xc9
License: GPL
Url: http://www.tml.hut.fi/~tilmonen/givertcap
Packager: Repocop Q. A. Robot <repocop@altlinux.org>

Source: %url/%name.c
Source1: givertcap.html
Source2: http://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/security/linux-privs/kernel-2.4/capfaq-0.2.txt
Patch: %name-1.0-ccrma.patch

# Automatically added by buildreq on Mon Jul 14 2003
BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libcap-devel libstdc++-devel

With the aid of givertcap you can run real-time applications (audio and
video- processing apps for example) with high priority without running
the application as root. Your application does get a collection
capabilities that allow it to run at very high priority. Givertcap was
created to overcome the lack of capability support in Linux file
systems. Once the Linux file systems start to have the necessary
functions themselves, this apps becomes unnecessary.

%description -l ru_RU.KOI8-R
\xf0\xd2\xc9 \xd0\xcf\xcd\xcf\xdd\xc9 givertcap \xd7\xd9 \xcd\xcf\xd6\xc5\xd4\xc5 \xda\xc1\xd0\xd5\xd3\xcb\xc1\xd4\xd8 \xd4\xd2\xc5\xc2\xd5\xc0\xdd\xc9\xc5 real-time \xd2\xc5\xd6\xc9\xcd\xc1 
\xd0\xd2\xc9\xcc\xcf\xd6\xc5\xce\xc9\xd1 \xd3 \xd7\xd9\xd3\xcf\xcb\xc9\xcd \xd0\xd2\xc9\xcf\xd2\xc9\xd4\xc5\xd4\xcf\xcd \xc2\xc5\xda \xd0\xd2\xc1\xd7 \xd3\xd5\xd0\xc5\xd2\xd0\xcf\xcc\xd8\xda\xcf\xd7\xc1\xd4\xc5\xcc\xd1. \xeb\xcf\xc7\xc4\xc1-\xce\xc9\xc2\xd5\xc4\xd8, 
\xcb\xcf\xc7\xc4\xc1 \xc6\xc1\xca\xcc\xcf\xd7\xd9\xc5 \xd3\xc9\xd3\xd4\xc5\xcd\xd9 \xc4\xcc\xd1 Linux \xce\xc1\xde\xce\xd5\xd4\xd8 \xd0\xd2\xc5\xc4\xcf\xd3\xd4\xc1\xd7\xcc\xd1\xd4\xd8 \xce\xd5\xd6\xce\xd5\xc0 
\xc6\xd5\xce\xcb\xc3\xc9\xcf\xce\xc1\xcc\xd8\xce\xcf\xd3\xd4\xd8 \xd3\xc1\xcd\xc9 \xd0\xcf \xd3\xc5\xc2\xc5, \xce\xc5\xcf\xc2\xc8\xcf\xc4\xc9\xcd\xcf\xd3\xd4\xd8 \xd7 givertcap \xcf\xd4\xcf\xcdң\xd4 
\xc5\xd3\xd4\xc5\xd3\xd4\xd7\xc5\xce\xce\xd9\xcd \xcf\xc2\xd2\xc1\xda\xcf\xcd.

# We want to limit the number of people who can access this application.
%define GROUP rtusers

%setup -T -c %name-%version
%__cp %SOURCE0 $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%name-%version
%patch -p1

%__cxx $RPM_OPT_FLAGS %name.c -o %name -lcap

%__install -pD %name %buildroot%_bindir/%name
%__install -d %buildroot%_docdir/%name-%version
%__install -pD -m644 %SOURCE1 %SOURCE2 %buildroot%_docdir/%name-%version

# Applications using %name needs environment variable GIVERTCAP.
cat << EOF >%name.sh

cat << EOF >%name.csh
setenv GIVERTCAP "%_bindir/%name"

%__install -d %buildroot%_sysconfdir/profile.d
%__install -pD -m755 %name.sh %name.csh %buildroot%_sysconfdir/profile.d

# We need to create group %GROUP
%_sbindir/groupadd -r -f %GROUP ||:

%attr(4710,root,%GROUP) %_bindir/%name
# The package does not own its own docdir subdirectory.
# The line below is added by repocop to fix this bug in a straightforward way. 
# Another way is to rewrite the spec to use relative doc paths.
%dir %_docdir/givertcap-%version 

* Wed Nov 04 2009 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux.ru> 1.0-alt4.1.1
- NMU (by repocop): the following fixes applied:
  * docdir-is-not-owned for givertcap

* Tue Jan 18 2005 ALT QA Team Robot <qa-robot@altlinux.org> 1.0-alt4.1
- Rebuilt with libstdc++.so.6.

* Mon Jul 14 2003 Yuri N. Sedunov <aris@altlinux.ru> 1.0-alt4
- Patch from CCRMA muse package.

* Tue Oct 15 2002 Yuri N. Sedunov <aris@altlinux.ru> 1.0-alt3
- Rebuild with gcc-3.2.

* Mon Apr 1 2002 Yuri N. Sedunov <aris@altlinux.ru> 1.0-alt2
- build process optimization.

* Mon Dec 2 2001 Yuri N. Sedunov <aris@altlinux.ru> 1.0-alt1
- First build for Sisyphus