Пакет libqtkeychain-qt5: Specfile

Name: libqtkeychain-qt5
Version: 0.8.0
Release: alt1%ubt

%define sover 1
%define libqt5keychain libqt5keychain%sover

Group: Development/KDE and QT
Summary: QtKeychain is a Qt API to store passwords and other secret data securely.
License: 2-clause BSD
Url: https://github.com/frankosterfeld/qtkeychain

Source0: %name-%version.tar
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-fedora-compat rpm-build-ubt
BuildRequires: cmake gcc-c++ qt5-tools-devel qt5-linguist pkgconfig(QtDBus) pkgconfig(Qt5DBus) libsecret-devel

QtKeychain is a Qt API to store passwords and other secret data securely.
If running, GNOME Keyring is used, otherwise  qtkeychain tries to use 
KWallet (via D-Bus), if available.

%package -n qt5keychain-common
Summary: %name common package
Group: System/Configuration/Other
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: qt5-base-common
Conflicts: libqtkeychain-qt5 < 0.7
%description -n qt5keychain-common
%name common package

%package -n %libqt5keychain
Group: Development/KDE and QT
Summary:        A password store library
Provides:       qtkeychain-qt5 = %version
Requires:	qt5keychain-common
%description -n %libqt5keychain
The qt5keychain library allows you to store passwords easy and secure.

%package devel
Group: Development/KDE and QT
Summary:        Development files for %{name}
Provides:       qtkeychain-qt5-devel = %version
%description devel
This package contains development files for qt5keychain.

%setup -q

mkdir -p build-qt5
pushd build-qt5
%{fedora_cmake} .. \
    -DECM_MKSPECS_INSTALL_DIR=%_qt5_archdatadir/mkspecs \

make %{?_smp_mflags}

make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -C build-qt5

%find_lang --with-qt qtkeychain

grep %{_qt5_translationdir} qtkeychain.lang > %{name}-qt5.lang

%files -n qt5keychain-common -f %{name}-qt5.lang
%doc ReadMe.txt

%files -n %libqt5keychain

%files devel

* Mon Feb 05 2018 Maxim Voronov <mvoronov@altlinux.org> 0.8.0-alt1%ubt
- initial build for p7